Cleft Update

baby boyYou might recall that our sweet Little Man in China was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate; tragically, the apparent reason he currently lives in an orphanage.

Knowing how children with clefts often choke and struggle when eating (infants typically cannot suckle a bottle sufficiently and must be painstakingly spoon fed their formula if special nipples are not available) and fail to get the necessary nourishment to grow/develop, we were relieved to learn that our son had a successful cleft lip repair last fall, at a tender 3 months of age.

What we didn’t know until recently, however, was that ONLY his cleft lip was corrected– not the palate, as well. We have since learned that many unassuming adoptive parents discover this very situation upon meeting their children in China.

This means we have a long road of surgery, recovery, and speech therapy ahead of us once our precious boy is home. Though this was a surprise to us, we are no less enthused to welcome him into our eager arms.

We’re now in the information gathering phase regarding a suitable treatment plan for cleft palate repair. We assume that since we reside in modestly populated Montana, that we will be traveling some distance to get him the best care available. Probable options are Salt Lake City, Denver, Seattle or Portland. We gratefully welcome any insight/experience you have to offer in this arena.




2 responses to “Cleft Update”

  1. Thanks Laura, we are certainly considering Portland for that very reason. We are certainly blessed with amazing friends who would surely be a tremendous help to us if we went that route. I’ll bet my in-laws would drive over from Bend, as well. 😉

  2. LauraSteckly Avatar

    I don’t have any experience with cleft repairs but I do have some experience with children’s hospitals. Legacy Emmanuel in Portland was amazing with us and Anna. I would recommend them for sure if you have a choice. Also, being in Portland would put you close to friends and family and that is a very important thing to have when you are dealing with kids in the hospital. We never would have made it through without the support. Love you guys!

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