What to Read Wednesday: Denim Jumper Edition

Word on the street is that yoga pants are the new denim jumper, but I did just happen to buy a darling denim dress from Old Navy clearance last week… OHMYGOSHWHATISHAPPENING

This week’s What to Read Wednesday is dedicated to the weary homeschool moms who make the learnin’ happen todo los dias, without praise or thanks. Comrades, I salute you.

We’re gearing up for back to school in just T minus five weeks– not that I’m counting, or anything. About to ring the bell on our fifth year schoolin’ at home, what would I encourage my fellow home educators to read in preparation, you ask? While there’s truly a PLETHORA of good homeschool-themed reads out there, hands down the volume most helpful to moi was Durenda Wilson’s The Unhurried Homeschooler.

I can’t recommend it enough. I wrote a detailed review of it here, but it’s at once both motivating and liberating and should be considered required reading for moms who educate at home…

Have you ever read a book and found it so near to autobiographical that you suspect Dom Deluise is waiting to pop out from behind a curatin, shouting, “Smile! You’re on Candid Camera!”? Durenda is in my head: She understands the universal homeschool struggle, and in response generously shares 20+ years of hindsight in an effort to encourage her fellow comrades, the next generation in homeschooling moms.

New ‘schoolroom’ for a new school year in a new state, living room of our recently remodeled fixer-upper.

schoolroom & mom both poised to launch headfirst back into our studies
not to be braggadocious, but i’m kind of a superhero around here… captain of the a-team
summer schoolroom

Be sure to check out my pals’ picks on the blog hop, as well– I know this eager-beaver will be standing by with bated breath, Amazon cart awaiting their recommends. Rumor has it there’s also a GIVEAWAY going on! Get on it, mon frere.

And now for the link up!

What to Read Wednesday Blog Link-Up

Our hosts will still share a themed selection of our favorite books each week.

By linking up you agree that if your blog post is selected to be featured on any of our hosts’ blogs that we can use an image from your post with a link back to your post.

This list has our book themes, but you don’t have to stick to that to link up–any family-friendly posts are welcome. So, come on! Join in the fun!

If you’d like to join us as a co-host for What to Read Wednesday, please contact Anne.

What to Read Wednesday is hosted on these fabulous blogs:

Anne at Learning Table Natural Parent Guide

Crystal at Castle View Academy

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The most popular post from last week was:

Homeschool Coffee Break
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