Home sweet home… There’s no place like home… Home on the range… Home is where the heart is…
Brace yourselves while I wax nostalgic for a spell, I haven’t blogged in over a week.
The kidlets and I just returned home from our nomadic adventure through Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon– which shall henceforth officially be referred to as the 2014 Girlfriend Tour.
We pin-balled all over the four states, visiting Besties in several counties: Bestie Kristin in Lakeside, Montana, Bestie Kelsey in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, Bestie Courtney in Spokane, Washington, Best Cousin RaeAnn in Portland, Oregon, and Besties Christy, Jen, Valerie, Janna, Elissa, Nicole, and many more in Salem.
Fact: I have the best husband in the world. He encouraged, facilitated, and funded this wild pilgrimage. He also knocked out an impressive (and self-appointed) honey-do list in my absence. His greeting upon our return was no less amazing.
Fact: I have the best girlfriends in the world.
You know the kind…
Girlfriends who interrupt an ordinary work/school week to fit you in as much as possible to their daily grind.
Girlfriends who pick up exactly where you left off, without skipping a beat, despite the months- even years– that passed since last you were together.
Girlfriends who prepare and serve HOMEMADE NOODLES to your children.
Girlfriends who greet you with cookies and wine after a grueling day of doctor appointments.
Girlfriends who cheerfully offer to wash your laundry. And then DO it.
Girlfriends who don’t even flinch when your toddler poops in their bathtub.
Girlfriends who (volunteer their husband to) plunge the toilet that your daughter clogged.
Girlfriends who scarcely raise an eyebrow at your less than stellar navigation whilst captive in the passenger seat of your crusty minivan for hours on end.

We were also grateful to connect with some family while in Oregon.

The real excuse, err reason, for our visit was a gauntlet of post-operative follow-up appointments with Little Man’s medical team at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, in Portland.

Thank you, Handsome Husband, for the gift of time away with my girlfriends. It’s good to be back home again.
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