Category: Book Reviews / Articles
The kids returned to school, and their accompanying flurry of frenzied activities, and so on top of selling houses and pestering Hubs while he attempts honest work from his home office, this fall I’ve spent many hours catching up on my reading– anything to avoid working out or cleaning, snort! The following are some recent…
Love & Genetics (and a smattering of addt’l recent reads)
I was recently gifted a copy of an incredible dual memoir and new release, Love & Genetics. Once finally unearthed from my seemingly bottomless to-be-read stack, I devoured it in mere days. I found the joint authors’ journey captivating and long-lingering; their story struck & stuck with me in a way I find rare for…
To Read or Not to Read
Some of my most recent reads and impressions thereof– I’m certain I’ve missed a few but wanted to document regardless.
Books Recently Consumed
The following are snapshots of our most recent reads– because reading’s just about one of the only pastimes that persists when viruses and wildfires thwart all other best-laid plans. What should I read next?
Our Jane Austen School for Headstrong, Obstinate Girls
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single homeschool in possession of a good literature & language arts curriculum, must be in want of the works of Jane Austen. We are presently engrossed in her classic brit lit. Our faithful formula of 1) screening the film, 2) reading the book, and 3) rewatching the…
A Ramona Quimby Quarantine
Quarantined with bored kids and looking for some simple fun to break up the monotony? You needn’t sweat schooling at home– grab a book and some household objects and see what you can’t rustle up. Case in point: Little Man and I are reading through Beverly Cleary’s beloved Ramona series aloud together. With minimal effort…
Book-Club Catch-up
We’re officially out of boxes, settled into our new abode, and back to the grind of schooling-at-home and pinballing around town to kids’ activities. New house sneak-peekaboo: Forget formal dining, we’ve elected instead to opt for an in-home library/school space. Translation: ROOM FOR MORE BOOKS. The following’s a smattering of recent titles we’ve enjoyed, beginning…
Global Celebration (Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2020)
I’m pleased as punch to participate in Multicultural Children’s Book Day again this year. Little Man was tickled when our friendly mailman delivered this vibrant picture book– and just in time for Chinese New Year! (We received it as a complimentary gift in exchange for our honest review.) An inclusive, celebratory tome highlighting a cornucopia…