1 Hour Photo



Last week found me digging through boxes of old photos in search of pictures of my late great-aunt; as a result, I was able to share all kinds of old photographic gems with family members during our brief visit to Oregon for the funeral. Explaining to my twenty year old sister how one used to have to take a roll of film in to be developed, and always buy doubles, made me chuckle and realize anew that I’m indeed getting old. As a girl I faithfully toted around a 110 camera, snapping away with zeal, and spent the bulk of my babysitting wages on film and processing– consequently, my blackmail stock collection is vast.

like this one, when I won a slogan contest in 4th grade for a recycling company’s promotional calendar. take heed, montanans, oregonians were recycling all the way back in 1990

On that note, I’m updating the blog with all my recent phone pics so that when I inevitably drop my phone in a lake again they do not perish forevermore.

before her big speech for 4h communication day
his favorite food, and also swear word
garfield gump weasley marmalade crookshanks white the third
#16 oh, irony
treats to celebrate completion of three day standardized testing
homeschoolers by day, fashion designers by night… sewing classes have paid off
hot lunch errday
designing a video game
firstborn found a leech in the pond, and i pretended to be thrilled
when your sweet neighbor blesses you with mugs she noticed you collect and becomes your bff
center sister crafted herself some mermaid earrings
mao brought in a live prairie dog (ground hog? whistle pig?) into the house & aforementioned neighbor helped us catch/release him from the girls’ bedroom. there was shrieking involved.
may snowfall
presidential primary ballots
best birthday shirt ever
parasailing crazies
ask him if he’s tall and he’ll tell you he’s yao ming

“There is nothing like staying home for real comfort.” -Jane Austen


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