A Book Jamboree

My nuclear family exchanged twenty-four books betwixt us this Christmas– we’re a jolly bookish lot, it seems.

gift to our bookish niece on her 11th birthday

turning David-Bear into pizza as I read aloud to him from a favorite

The following’s a smattering of those titles, plus a few additional reads we’ve recently enjoyed…

To: Handsome Husband; From: Heart-Eyed Wifey

watched the show on netflix & fell in love with the author’s sensible, scientific approach to cooking while showcasing the history & geography of different regions in the spirit of andrew zimmern

To: Heart-Eyed Wifey; From: Handsome Husband

convict much?

To: Mama Mia; From: Papadapolis (father-in-law)

had long been on my list as the local library doesn’t carry it

To: Firstborn; From: Your Bookish Parents

I paid less for this at costco.

To Firstborn; From: Dad & Mom

for her collection

To: Center Sister; From: Exhausted Parental Unit

two of my very favorites: lindgren & child

To: Center-Sister; From: Your Ol’ Folks

graphic novels are such a terrific option

To: Little Man; From: Daddy & Mommy

for our wee panda-lover

To: Little Man; From: Daddy & Mommy

he loves this little elephant series

To: Little Man; From: Daddy & Mommy

another great moon festival title, shame it was mistreated by our mail carrier

Recently read: 

so fun, so clever. she’s an underestimated smarty & I kind of adore her.
meaty & cerebral, will pick it up again soon
possibly the best christian nonfiction I’ve ever read.
modern collection of immigrant song
excerpted from above



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