


Dear Family and Friends,

I wanted to announce happy news that Mia and I have officially begun the process of adopting a child through an international adoption agency.  After a few months of research and prayer, we have selected the agency: Chinese Children Adoption International (CCAI).  They are focused primarily on China and are the highest rated for Chinese adoption.  At this time, our plan is to pursue the adoption of a girl up to 4 years old.  There is a good chance we will be selecting a child with a medical need or minor disability.

Adoption is something that our family has hoped and dreamed about for several years now, and has always been a part of our girls’ vernacular. We have long been excited to “‘dopt another sister” since losing our third daughter, Alexa, in 2008. We knew that when the time was right to expand our family we would proceed in a less traditional fashion and welcome into our home one of the 65 million orphans currently in the world.

Our faith has taught us that adoption is a great example of our relationship with God, who has adopted us into His family through Christ’s redemptive work on the cross. The Bible clearly advocates adoption in passages such as John 14:18 (“I will not leave you as orphans, I will come for you.”), Isaiah 1:17 (“Learn to do good, seek justice, rebuke the oppressor, defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.”), and James 1:27 (“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”)

Mia also wrote a brief explanation – which you can read in this post – that details how we came to select China over other countries or domestic adoption. We also plan to post updates, prayer requests and document our reflections on the process here regularly.

We are told by CCAI that the adoption process can typically take over a year (or two) with their agency.  At this point, we have been approved for the adoption, and are starting the process of the home study through a local Montana agency.  Our desire is to fund the adoption and home study through personal savings and some fundraising efforts.  One reason why we have selected CCAI is because of their fiscal transparency/integrity, lower cost and dedicated focus on China.  More information on the agency can be found at:

We sincerely appreciate your prayers and support during this process. Please do not hesitate to ask us questions.

Thank you,

Alex White


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