Towards the end of summer, Handsome Husband and I decided to tackle another big project. We purchased a fixer-upper at the coast as a getaway for our family and almost every weekend since we’ve been there pulling carpet, replacing light fixtures, repairing plumbing, updating electrical, laying floor, cleaning, painting, sifting, sorting, purging, assembling furniture, and more. I think we say this after every renovation, but this one might’ve been our most ambitious yet. NOT that we’re done, of course… we’re saving the exterior for next Spring and have another fun project on the docket for the detached garage. Consequently, we don’t have much in the way of after photos, mostly just before and during. For now, we’re enjoying our restful weekend escape as often as we can.
great bones, nice yard, & a terrific location can you see the potential beneath the musty, damp carpet? wood paneling galore layers of flooring, the ghosts of carpet past we bought it furnished, and so had to move everything out before even starting much of the demo death by carpet-tack we also took out the wood stove (don’t want the worry of fires) and brick surround it really opened up the space, too this little man took out every single baseboard in the house my major contribution was shopping & design with plenty of willing helpers one-trip wonder husband devised a clever modification to the stairs after the flooring, before the paint new baseboards & painted trim the painted paneling now resembles shiplap selecting mirrors is not as straight-forward as you might imagine DOA
“coastal blue” bunk beds were delayed the kids/ room took a while to arrange trying it out with my seesters Center Sister’s a wiz at IKEA assembly white slipcovers are bleachable & scotch guarded still trying to make our cats travelers this one’s having none of it we love our view of the bay the projects are neverending this is what it’s all about though: making memories with these growing kids
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