It’s back to school tiiiiiime! Though we maintain a daily reading, writing, & arithmetic regimen through the summer months, we ramp things up in earnest and resume extracurriculars each fall– like reg’lar folk.

This year I’m teaching a 2nd grader, a 7th grader, and a HIGHSCHOOL FRESHMAN at home. I never suspected I’d still be homeschooling at these grades, but home-education continues to be a great fit and blessing to our family. Kicking off our 7th year of learning together at home (and out & about), I’m considered a veteran homeschooler! I still feel like I’m figuring things out by making course corrections as we sail along, but we’ve established some solid routines and practices that have become a family ethos and render our efforts (mostly) fruitful.
I’m grateful to be planted in a vibrant homeschool community, with opportunities aplenty, bolstered by a supportive partner who encourages and equips me to serve our children in this unique fashion.
New this year: We’ve joined both a local homeschool cooperative and an online charter umbrella school. At co-op the kids will enjoy PE, art, and pubic speaking one morning a week, and I’ve been charged with planning special events & field trips throughout the year. The charter school’s mainly a resource that aids with compliance with our district and channels some tax funds back to our pupils.

We’re studying Apologia science yet again, this time delving deep into Ornithology (I see owl pellets in our future!) & Entomology. We’re nearing –and planning to linger in– the Renaissance era in our Mystery of History timeline, spending some extra quality time with a certain Bard of Avon.
Firstborn’s auditioning for a role in a local production of Newsies and joining a nearby Shakespeare troupe. Center Sister’s adding ballet and tap to her jazz, lyrical, and hip-hop dance repertoire. Little Man bravely joined kids’ choir and has graduated from teeball to AA for fall Little League.
Same ol’, same ol’: We’re forging ahead with our tried and true literature dense read-aloud lifestyle, daily gratitude journals and memory verses, and spelling/SAT words & exercises. Husband will continue to proctor online maths, and I’ll resume carpool duty to youth group, speech therapy, and piano lessons.
Homeschool goals– of the students, by the students, and for the students:
I’m so proud of this stinker who works so hard to speak clearly. I pray choir aids his speech progress and boosts his confidence. Fun fact: Singer Carly Simon credits her parents for her musical gift when as a child, suffering for years from a severe stutter, they encouraged her to sing out whatever she was trying to say.
We already enjoyed our first field-trip of the year, at my much older sister’s apple orchard for our new co-op’s back-to-school Picture Day.
Our prayer for the school year: “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:16
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