Homeschool Yearbook

We’ve put a bow on our school year, and what a year it’s been! 7th grade, 5th grade, and Kindergarten, respectively. 

Field trips, read-alouds, pet-sitting, art classes, youth group, park dates, hot lunch, piano, flute, choir, slime, theatre, soccer, tball, dress-up, gymnastics, journals, verses, history, zoology, math, & library trips– oh my! We homeschooled the girls while Little Man had a traditional Kindergarten experience in the local public school, in the same classroom as his “twin cousin“, taught by Mary Poppins herself. The following are photographs that didn’t make it onto the blog already, for posterity’s sake…




But lest my pupils get too excited, we’ll once again attempt to keep a quasi year-round schedule. Little Man now officially enrolled in full-time homeschool, we’ll continue our adventuring into the summer months. Still, it’s been a fruitful year, and we’re celebrating the culmination of a lot of hard work.

Weekly Wrap-Up
Homeschool Coffee Break


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