Does anyone else enjoy belting out this timeless Rolling Stones tune to their children, from time to time? It’s especially amusing whilst enduring a raging temper tantrum. I used to sing it to my younger brothers and sisters, as well– typical first-born.
Little Man is adjusting, beautifully, to family life.
He is confident his needs will be met, and quite comfortable expressing his opinions.
That last one is a bit of an understatement. Like any other two year old, he can be pretty demanding and impatient, and often frustrated with his limited vocabulary.
He typically wants all the treats, all the snacks. All the toys, and all of mommy’s lap.
Now that he sufficiently trusts us, is well-attached, and understands almost everything we say, we are starting to lay down the law, in earnest. Lest we raise ourselves a Little Emperor, we are starting to show him that the world actually does NOT revolve around him.
Sometimes, the answer is no. Sometimes, we have to wait. Sometimes, we have to take naps, or ride in our carseat, or clean up our toys, or eat vegetables.
He is precious, not perfect. Just like, um, everyone.
Anyhoo, the next time you find yourself stuck smack dab in the center of Hurricane Tantrum, channel your inner Mick Jagger and (aloud or in your head) sing that song. Trust me.
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