It’s that time of year again, though I’m not certain how it’s possible. I only just gave birth to each of them, but my precious baby girls are moving up a grade in a matter of weeks.
Fourth and second grades, respectively. Como say what?!
I easily recall my own 2nd grade year… We had moved across town that summer, so I was new to the school. About the height of an average kindergartner, I innocently rocked colossal pink glasses WITH a cord around them. I was missing my two front teeth, and my favorite outfit featured light pink suspenders.

By 4th grade, I was the new girl again (I attended four elementary schools, in total), confidently sporting my first perm and freshly pierced ears. I was still the shortest kid in the class,but didn’t let it cramp my style. Especially not when I had finally scored a coveted pair of LA Gear high-top sneakers, each tied with approximately four yards of multi-colored shoelaces.
We are Homeschooling again, my precious pupils call me “Mrs. Mom.” We have tried public school, private school, and home-school– and right now, home-education remains the best fit for our family. Last year was our maiden voyage, prompted by the anticipation of Little Man joining our family and fostering attachment all around. We are grateful to have made the leap, and expect another year of “cocoon-school” to be greatly beneficial.
Here are some highlights from our fun year at home:



Physical Education…


I wouldn’t trade this past year, at home with all three of my kiddos, for anything.
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