


T minus 8 days until Thanksgiving! We’re ready-freddie. My extended family’s busy mixin’ up some inventive stuffing variations in preparation for next week… this year, we plan to shake things up a bit for our holiday. 

In the meantime, my much older sister and brother-in-law had a spare turkey lying around, and so invited us all next door for an impromptu trial run before our proper Thanksgiving Day feast. A Fakesgiving, if you will. Sometimes, one requires a full dress rehearsal to get into the spirit things.

Thanksgiving’s become a favorite holiday around here— what with all the family, feasting, and fun, yet virtually zero stress… potluck and pie, gravy and games, stretchy pants and snacking the aim of the game. All cornucopia and kumbaya with minimal overthinking and expectations.

Next week we’ll converge again at my next-door sister’s home for our real Turkey Day, and officially herald in the holiday season. On the agenda are oversized turkey legs, a cut-throat stuffing competition, and pilgrim crafts that would make the Mayflower proud. Stay tuned!

Pssst! Don’t forget my Turkey Renaissance post for re-purposing all of your leftovers!


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