Fallish Things: Foraging for Chestnuts

The best things in life are free… at least when it comes to fall décor.

Each autumn I seek out the nearest chestnut tree fixin’ to add fallish charm to my home or porch, pro gratis. Seed pods drop to the ground heavy with treasure that one square stomp unearths. Shiny chestnuts emerge to gather like squirrels for food (chestnuts roasting on an open fire?) or a simple autumnal display. Waste not, as I’m mildly allergic: When we’re through with them the kids will scatter them for the hyperactive squirrels who reside in the woods behind our house.

Our super simple fall front porch, sans pumpkins (heading to the patch tonight!):

Basket of chestnuts + gourds + cinnamon broom (Trader Joe’s, $3.99 & smells amaze!) + old apple crate + Great-Grandma’s old porch rockers + obligatory barn star + vintage gas can

We gathered ours on a leisurely bike ride on a sunny fall Sunday.

Bonus fallish side-note: I baked! It came from a box, but whatevs. This Trader Joe’s mix is the bomb– especially when you add chocolate chips. 

Happy Fall! 

*Featured on Peonies & Orange Blossoms’ Hauntingly Beautiful Décor Halloween Link Party*

Being A Wordsmith
Weekly Wrap-Up


2 responses to “Fallish Things: Foraging for Chestnuts”

  1. […] recently gathered chestnuts from a local park, one of our fave fall pastimes. Complimentary fall decor! (we don’t eat […]

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