Father’s Day/Anniversary/Pre-Op Eve

13 years, 11 jobs, 10 cars, 8 foreign countries, 14 states, 4 houses, 3 children, 5 cats, 1 dog, 2 guinea pigs, four chickens and a day ago I married this guy…

photo 1 (1)
Colombia gorge, just before our descent into our familiar misty, overcast Willamette valley

… and I’m certain on those stats because we counted today. In the car. As we drove from Montana to Oregon.

photo 1
he slept like this

photo 3 (1) photo 2 (1)

photo 5 (1)
guess what is delicious but not ideal car food? ethiopian
photo 4 (1)
pit-stop in Spokane to help our best friends unload their moving van and squeeze their sweet baby boy

Father’s Day was spent with dear friends, at the same zoo that we frequented at least monthly back when the girls were tiny, after a quick lunch at Portland’s infamous food carts.

photo 4 (2)

photo 3 (2)

photo 5 (2)
this one is owned/operated by Husband’s old friend from high-school, a professional chef who makes THE BEST grilled cheese sandwiches

photo 3 photo 2 photo 1 photo 4

With bellies full of the world’s best [Oregon] strawberrries, we are now comfortably settled into the guest house/office of my sweet, hospitable cousin, who graciously welcomed us to crash with her family on the eve of our all-day pre-op visits with Little Man’s surgical team. His pediatrician warned us that he would certainly lose a little weight, post-op, but at the rate we’re going it’s plausible he’ll break even as we eat our way across Oregon in the next 9 days.

photo 5
styling their teenaged second cousin once removed’s hair




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