Handsome Hubs headed back to work this morning, leaving me solo with our three precious offspring for the first time. You can go ahead and send me my official Mom Of Three badge now, since I am pleased to report that we all survived.
It helps that we all got a good night of sleep, brought to you by the fine folks at Nyquil. Despite the nasty head-cold that I likely picked up on an airplane, we all behaved considerably less zomibe-like.

Brother is fondly referring to both girls as Mei-Mei, which means “little sister” in Mandarin. Our oldest should technically be “Ge-Ge” [big sister], but we’re not correcting him. When our oldest was a toddler, she called my brothers (who were still tweens at the time) “Wooks”, instead of Luke and Adam. They were both just Lukes, plural. When those brothers were toddlers, they called both myself and my sister Bethany (who were teenagers) “Bia”, a combination of our names. I find it endearing.
As for our day, teeth and hair were brushed, beds made, and nutritious food consumed. We completed a smidge of schoolwork, and I even got a shower (with a toddler splashing at my feet, but I’ll take it)… all in all a successful day. Other than brother sampling- and loving– a little cat food, napping a mere twenty minutes, and ripping a few pages from a library book, it was joyous and serene. Yet another sweet friend delivered dinner to our door tonight, which certainly helped to maintain the peace.
Much of the day, Brother could be found scavenging the house for little treasures (baby food caps, little figurines from daddy’s office, ribbons from the girls’ room, my water bottle, etc.) which he then claimed as his own, depositing them either into his little blue toybox, or through the cat-door into the garage.
He’s a quirky little fellow, certainly not lack in personality. He fits in amazingly with the rest of the family, and one would scarcely recognize him as a new addition. I love that little espresso eyed boy with the impish grin.

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