We’re in the midst of another busy week of homeschool, pinballing around our city betwixt activities– curricular and extra.
Often we tote our studies along, ala carte, including our latest read-aloud: the third enchanting book of the Penderwick series:

The kids’ most recent pet-sitting charges include two fiesty flocks of chickens and a blind 17 year old Siamese cat who requires daily liver & kidney meds.
A new-to-us writing & science co-op at a friend’s house has turned out to be an answer to prayer.
Firstborn nailed an audition and was cast as Violet in a local production of A Charlie Brown Christmas, a rigorous rehearsal schedule has ensued.
Though it was bittersweet returning after the tragic loss of their dear friend this summer, both girls are also in choir again. It was Naomi who last season welcomed my girls as newcomers… reaching out she made them feel a part of the already established group; it was she who delightedly recognized Center Sister’s literary name, and upon learning we lived around the corner showed up at our front door the next day, atop rollerblades. Her generous friendship and obvious gift of hospitality made choir the highlight of my girls’ homeschool week last year– music merely a bonus.

So long as the weather obliges Little Man will use choir rehearsals to practice on his bike, thus this is the typical state of the back of my Jeep.
He enjoyed a recent field trip to a local firehouse.
He also visited his Kindergarten alma mater, sharing lunch with his best-friend-cousin & former classmates.
We bopped over to our favorite orchard for a picnic lunch with my much older sister, some apple pickin’, and a spin on the gator.
Back at home, “look what the cat dragged in!” shortly after our zoology studies on Family: Reptilia, Order: Squamata.
speaking of silly kitties…
… and interesting critters…
Celebrating the Chinese Moon Festival with cousins, with a decidedly American twist:
moon festival book recommends:

Daddy-led science experiment:
Redeeming Pizza Hut reading program coupons:
Besides all that, defying stereotypes, the kids have bustling social lives that keep this mama running.
Documenting it all reminds me of what we’re accomplishing and motivates me to keep on truckin’ on when things get wearisome.
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