This is not inaccurate. Still, the library’s best when you want to “try before you buy.” As homeschoolers, we’re frequent flyers of our local library year-round, but it remains on our regular summer rotation for more than merely literary pursuits– an ideal hangout, with piles of free resources, fun summer programs, performances, classes, friends we bump into around every corner, and (bless it) air-conditioning. I picked up a roll of quarters so I can always feed the meter and try to always bring along a treat for impromptu picnics.
Firstborn won Jamba Juice gift card from the Summer Reading Program drawing this week! #BookwormingFTW
We’re still finishing up The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict aloud as a family, but at the suggestion of a dear friend we also picked up an audio collection of a several of Roald Dahl’s lesser-known short stories. Bonus: They’re narrated by Andrew Scott, a fabulously talented Irish actor we have long admired from Sherlock.

Imagine you’re perusing your local library’s shelves when one day, to your astonished delight, you discover two of your book-favorites collided: Charlie & Lola meets Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraim’s Daughter Longsocking (aka Lauren Child + Astrid Lindgren) I promptly ran home and ordered a copy on Amazon, for keeps.

In that same vein, behold: Anne of Green Gables in graphic novel form was a recent addition to our permanent home library.

On deck to read aloud is the The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place, a six book series that’s come highly recommended. I do love a good series.

I’m presently slogging through John McPhee’s meaty Draft No. 4, On the Writing Process, at the suggestion of book sensei Modern Mrs. Darcy. Did I mention I’m stoked to be on her latest launch team for upcoming I’d Rather Be Reading? I’ve read an advance of the first two chapters and foreword, and I’m stoked for the hard copy in the mail.

What are you reading this summer?
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