Learnin’ needn’t cease entirely simply because of the tilt & rotation of the earth ’round the sun. I find it easier to keep some educational momentum going with our homeschool studies by following an abbreviated schedule during summer months: Heavy reading, light math, loads of field trips and hands-on backyard science projects, regular library trips, sneaky writing (pen-pal correspondence, thank-you notes, & journaling), and plenty of fresh air & rigorous activity in nature…
Hatching sea monkeys–
Willamette Valley Pie Co. tour–
Babysitting Certification Class–
Independence Day, wherein these patriots memorized the Preamble to the Constitution–

Theatre auction dinner & musical performance–
Morning gratitude journals & memory verses–
Visual Aids–
Zoo Day–
Tillamook Cheese Factory tour–
Portland Asian Market–
Light manual labor–
That one day we had goats–

Center Sister attended a Broadway play with pals–
Mao (“cat” in mandarin) getting nails done & then retaliating by locking us out of the house–

Save the Manatee Club recognition–
Field trip to local koi farmer–
Backyard lesson on solar energy–

7 Eleven Slurpee Day–
Parky Parks–

Gosh, I love summer.
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