I felt a tiny bit like a homeschool mom again, this past weekend– traipsing through a pumpkin patch, costuming, crafting, and carving… Our Halloween estivities were simple and dispersed, but a fun time was had by all.
Snapshots of my vocational life. Work continues to keep me busy, which is a blessing since now my kids are at traditional school all day and I find myself with a surfeit of spare time. I used to joke that I drive for a living, but these days it feels like I open doors for…
Some of my most recent reads and impressions thereof– I’m certain I’ve missed a few but wanted to document regardless.
It’s hard to believe that summer’s come to an end, but all in all it’s been a great one. We joined a neighborhood pool, went on several vacations, and Firstborn got a job at a local amusement park. We went to the beach, spent time with friends & family, and Center Sister kept up with…
My kids started school today… 11th, 9th, and 4th grades, respectively. And for the first time in a long time, I’m not their teacher. The choice to enroll our kids in traditional School was painful but obvious… I spent Spring and Summer spinning in anxious circles attempting to prep & plan another homeschool year, considering…
It’s nearly the end of summer and I realized never put a bloggy bow on my kiddos’ school year, but jumped right into the deep-end of summer without really pausing to document. We didn’t know it at the time, but last year appears to have been our final year of homeschool– which makes me especially…
For his ninth birthday this year, Little Man enjoyed a few of his very favorite things: Sushi, swimming, panda bears, and BASEBALL. After church in the morning and a chill afternoon, he took our extended family “out to a ball game” on a late summer evening where we first tailgated in the parking lot (cake…
Since Center Sister turned fourteen while we were vacationing for our twentieth anniversary a month ago, we deferred her friend-festivities a few weeks out to this month… Keeping things chill for her fave crew of teens, we booked a private party at the neighborhood pool we joined this summer and pumped up our menagerie of…
In an attempt at ignoring my recent rounded, rather large birthday, I suggested to Handsome Husband that we sneak away with the kids for a bit of adventure. He upped the ante and booked us a road-trip to the Biggest Little City in the World and the third largest lake in the nation. It was…