In addition to our own two cats, two bunnies, two fish, a solitary snail, and one remaining guinea pig, my kiddos are presently tending to nine alpacas, eighteen chickens, three additional bunnies, two gigantic dogs, and two additional fish at various locales about town. The girls’ (and now also Little Man’s) pet-sitting business is booming as friends sneak last minute vacations in prior school resuming.
We’re boarding a couple of the critters, but as we make rounds on the rest we tote along books and baskets to collect eggs and the wild blackberries that are plentiful, sweetening the stale August air.

Still, of course, we’re reading… the library’s Summer Reading Program wrapped with parties and Firstborn earned a prize.
Lovely Library Lore: Regular library visits have always been foundational to my parenting routine… When the girls were tiny I’d tote them to infant/toddler story-time twice weekly to learn and listen and play, in hopes of fostering a love of books. I even took Firstborn the morning that Center Sister was born before heading to the hospital, noting contractions as we listened to our favorite librarian. When she was about a year old, Center Sister befriended a girl with her same rare, literary-inspired name and every few years since the library has brought them back together– as seen here at age five and again just this week at age eleven.
Current Library Holds:

Be sure to also check out my pal Anne’s list of Medieval-inspired books for kiddos… you know I dig all things medieval!
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