R&R & Birthday Vibes

Handsome Husband whisked the fam off for a restful, yet adventure-filled couple of days at the Oregon coast to celebrate my recent birthday. We hiked, frolicked in the sand and surf, ate heaps of great seafood, slept in, and I unapologetically binged on my latest novel to the soothing ebb & flow of the faithful Pacific.

the kids enjoyed their first experience w/a murphy bed
the yummiest cake in all the land

Even the brazen woman in loud leggings doing aggressive Jazzercise on the lawn made me smile… seemed the perfect snapshot of my #bestbirthdaylife, affording just the appropriate hint of crazy thrown in for good measure.

Of course we snuck in a wee bit of education while we were at it, because that’s what blesses this homeschool nerd most of all.

we all live in a…

massive, 42lb cephalopod guarding her newly laid eggs

At Honeyman State Park I felt we’d gone back in time into a 1980’s summer movie (ala Caddyshack, Meatballs, or The Great Outdoors). It’s the cutest little camp at a beachside pond nestled among the infamous Florence dunes– we rented paddle-boats and got quite the leg workout.


Little Man feelin’ particularly tough at Thor’s Well:

Husband and I leisurely meandered behind three halflings down an enchanted trail to the ocean.


Honorable mentions to go family-style clam chowder, mermaid & manatee sightings, beachside sea life & shops, roadside ponies, oceanic murals, monogram rootbeer, and special family landmarks.

this life-sized wooden mermaid has stood on this Siltcoos Lake porch since husband was a boy
he rowed me up this estuary in a canoe to the ocean many moons ago when we were engaged

I think Husband figured out before I did that, for us, rest isn’t necessarily synonymous with inactivity. Instead, a restful retreat is still ripe with adventure– one where we can explore without agenda and at our own pace.


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