I’ve reluctantly come to terms with the fact that little man is now too big [long] for the Ergo backpack. His feet dangle nearly to the floor and seem to drag across the ground as I carry him, these days. #hobbitproblems
It’s bittersweet, because it quietly marks the end of his baby-hood, and because that Ergo was an everyday part of our lives for so long. In our One Year Home video we laugh that in every frame I share with him, Little Man is plastered to my back like a baby koala.
Championed by adoption experts, baby-wearing can be an effective tool in fostering attachment. Before Little Man came home I wrote a post detailing our intentions to wear him* (at that point we thought He would be a She) in an effort to bond. Once home, I wore him on my back nearly every day for over a year. After all, I didn’t carry him in the womb and didn’t get to cradle him as an infant– we were making up for lost time.
Our Ergo was a generous, cherished gift handed down from friends who used it after adopting twin girls from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
It was handed down to them from friends who used it with their twin girls adopted from Ethiopia.
For months I have prayed for another adoptive family to pass it on to, so that it would continue to be a vehicle of God’s redemptive love. The silver lining in Little Man out-growing it is in passing it on to an online friend who, with her husband, will soon bring home her own son from China.
To recap, that’s two redeemed daughters from DRC, two from Ethiopia, and now two sons from China.
To the newest Mama of the Sisterhood: I’m praying this simple garment blesses and serves you well in the months ahead.
*adorbs throwback baby wearing pics alert
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