Once again, we are continuing our home schooling through the summer months.
For now, year-round school is a good fit for our family– since we are mostly home, anyway, and actually enjoy it. The kids complete an abbreviated workload and I seek out additional, creative ways to daily stretch and challenge their minds…
… like regular trips to our local museum, which boasts a variety of educational opportunities– including a living history exhibit and planetarium.
As fans of the Charlotte Mason approach, we encourage lots of nature exploration as an integral part of the kids’ curriculum.
Critter-care has also become a focus of our home-education. The girls have landed several pet-sitting gigs in recent weeks, and also maintain our own menagerie of furry friends. In addition to our new guinea pig, Sally, the girls were finally able to bring home their Holland Lop-eared bunnies.
Meet Jack and Flopsy.
We are especially proud of the girls for patiently saving up their own funds to pay for them, with earnings from their bustling business.
Studly Husband whipped up a sturdy rabbit hutch from materials the girls purchased at Home Depot. He donated his labor. 🙂
Little Man has kept busy helping to maintain the new lawn…
… but isn’t quite ready yet for a pet of his own.
He is also now convinced that Steve Martin is, in fact, his great grandpapa…
… and stays busy mastering other essential life skills.
That’s our summer school, in a nutshell. I’m grateful for the flexibility to take breaks when it works for us— when guests visit, or we go on vacation— and keep the momentum going with learning throughout the summer months.
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