This morning we went on a leisurely hike in the nearby Bangtail Mountains. Husband channeled Bill Hader, calling it a “walkabout” in a rousing Australian accent.

In other weekend update news, this coming Monday is the Chinese Moon Festival. Originating during the Zhou (“joe”) Dynasty, it started as a celebration of the harvest during the first full moon of the season. The holiday is still celebrated in China today, though it has evolved, over the centuries, into more of an actual worship of the moon– as well as a time where folks pay homage to family who live far away. This is especially poignant to me, as I recognize that our sweet Little Man has additional (albeit unknown) family back in China, and all of our American family is also far from our home in Montana. We sentimentally acknowledge that, regardless of our teensy blip on the map, we all look up to the same moon.
We will observe this holiday through a Christian lens, celebrating the moon simply as a part of God’s marvelous creation. Traditionally, families feast on moon cakes, but I could not locate any in our bustling not-so-metropolis of Bozeman. (Mooncake photo & recipe found here.) I’ve heard of folks instead serving moon pies, but couldn’t find those, either. Are they a southern thing?? We will, instead, partake of mochi, the Japanese counterpart to a mooncake. They lack the fancy designs on top, but contain the same red bean filling. We’ll enjoy a little moon gazing (which isn’t actually unusual for us, as we regularly study astronomy), and the kids will complete some moon themed coloring sheets that I printed off free from here. We expect to talk more of far-off family as Little Man grows and has a deeper understanding of his origins and heritage. Paying tribute to his birth culture is a priority to us, and will hopefully help to foster pride in his unique identity.
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? -Pslam 8:3
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