We’re There, Man

We’re there, Man. (-spoken with Jim Carey inflection, circa Dumb & Dumber)

If the relentless paperwork chase is the “pregnancy” of adoption, then the 13 hour travel we just endured was most certainly the labor. It was mentally and physically exhausting, unglamorous, uncomfortable, and absolutely worthwhile.  And, as is true with most pregnancies, my feet are now swollen beyond recognition. I can feel my pulse in my toenails.

Thank you for your faithful prayers. Miracle of miracles, our girls slept peacefully for much of the duration of the plane ride.  Upon touching down in Beijing, they both awoke bright-eyed and bushy tailed. It’s 1am here. We might just allow them to play video games in bed all night if it means that Husband and I can catch some winks, ourselves. Strapping Husband just couldn’t get comfortable enough to sleep on the plane, and while I have pygmy legs that allow me to pretty much fold up like a Pillow Pet, I kept mentally replaying that Jodie Foster film where her daughter was quietly kidnapped from her side while they both slept on a plane. Turns out Mama Bear is not a switch you can just turn off.

So far, we’ve met two of the eight other adoptive families in our travel group with our agency, both ironically from Louisville, Kentucky. Our two guides are wonderful and our hotel is quite nice.

I can’t get over how close we are to our Little Man. The proximity has rendered me distracted at best, and completely useless in all things logistical. Thank the Good Lord that we’re in capable hands– both with Husband at the helm and CCAI to guide us.

We’re hitting the hay now, but here’s a couple photos of our journey here:






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