What to Read Wednesday + a Book Review

The topic of this week’s WTRW is supposed to be ladybugs; but little known fact: I’m afraid of ladybugs. I mean, not when they’re merely bumbling about the garden helpfully ridding veggies of aphids– I buy them by the hundreds each year for just that purpose.

Specifically, I’m Coccinellidaephobic (It’s a thing.) when OUT OF NOWHERE THEY UNHINGE THEIR CONVERTIBLE EXOSKELETONS TO REVEAL HIDDEN TRANSFORMER WINGS and zip off, aerial to the abyss from whence they came.

I simply cannot. Thus, save for the beloved Roald Dahl classic, James and the Giant Peach, which features an especially lady-like ladybug (no mention of her flying, praise be), I don’t have much in the way of ladybug-themed lit in our home library.

Bonus: the Tim Burton stop-motion film is also fantastic!

But I do have another book recommend: 

Kristen Welch has done it again. To quote Uncle Jesse Katsopolis, Have Mercy! She’s gone and kicked me square in the proverbial behind, by way of her latest book: Raising World-Changers in a Changing World.

Author of Rhinestone Jesus, Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World (which I reviewed as part of her launch team in 2016), and We Are THAT Family blog, Kristen’s also the founder of nonprofit Mercy House Global and it’s stateside retail counterpart Fair Trade Friday (online subscription plus brick & mortar stores). Basically, Kristen’s a social justice powerhouse, too legit to quit. This time ’round she’s not mincing words… her book on generosity’s a bit of a gut-punch as she boldly encourages Christians to essentially put their money where their mouths/hearts are.


She’s like the trusted friend who’s earned the position to speak truth into your life, she challenges readers gently but firmly, with sincerest of intention, without pretense or arrogance. Keeping it real: “So what does a generous family really look like? I can tell you that sometimes it looks like a family who is arguing at the dinner table and giving up on the devotional reading. Ask me how I know this. I think it’s dangerous to believe our family should be the holiest house on the block…. Loving others is a way of life; we don’t have to squeeze one more event into our busy calendars to live a generous, missional life. It starts with opening our eyes to what’s in front of us.” 

#RaisingWorldChangers is a must read for our changing world, ripe with relevant anecodotes and practical application questions. Pre-order it ASAP for some rad fair-trade goodies as bonuses and allow her battle-cry to convict/inspire you to say “yes” to giving wildly for God.

And now for the link up!

What to Read Wednesday Blog Link-Up

Our hosts will still share a themed selection of our favorite books each week.

By linking up you agree that if your blog post is selected to be featured on any of our hosts’ blogs that we can use an image from your post with a link back to your post.

This list has our book themes, but you don’t have to stick to that to link up–any family-friendly posts are welcome. So, come on! Join in the fun!

If you’d like to join us as a co-host for What to Read Wednesday, please contact Anne.

What to Read Wednesday is hosted on these fabulous blogs:

Anne at Learning Table Natural Parent Guide

Crystal at Castle View Academy 

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One response to “What to Read Wednesday + a Book Review”

  1. […] as I’ve reviewed several of her books before (Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World; Raising World-Changers) and she’s the passionate visionary/founder of Mercy House, which provides dignified work, […]

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