This week’s What to Read Wednesday theme’s supposed to be all about war, but I deviated just a smidge, focusing instead on literature featuring fictional skirmishes and battles rather than the historical side of real war. Translation: Tolkien… namely The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
Last week was International Hobbit Day, but it’s no secret that we are unabashed Tolkien enthusiasts year-round in the White house– one of our children is even named after a prominent LoTR character. We’ve a hobbit door in our backyard, and Husband has a tshirt proudly stating “That’s What I’m Tolkien About“. For a more benign perspective on war —heroes of Middle Earth battle mostly fantastical creatures than fellow humans– Tolkien is a sure bet. Afterall, as Bilbo Baggins is keenly aware, adventures are not all pony-rides in May-sunshine.

Last spring we read through The Hobbit aloud as a family, pausing for the occasional elevensie and afternoon tea, as one does. Because the language was so blessedly rich we checked out two identical copies from the library to match our home edition and took turns orating, though as always I also allow the girls to additionally read ahead independently at their leisure. We subsequently dove right into The Fellowship of the Ring, but have yet to resume the series. The Two Towers and Return of the King will be ideal for quiet winter school days.

Every home library needs a copy of these timeless classics on it’s shelves, IMO.
And now for the link up!
Our hosts will still share a themed selection of our favorite books each week.
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This list has our book themes, but you don’t have to stick to that to link up–any family-friendly posts are welcome. So, come on! Join in the fun!
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