A Breakfast at Tiffany’s Birthday



To my delight, Firstborn chose an Audrey Hepburn/Breakfast at Tiffany’s theme for her birthday festivities this year.

“Happy girls are the prettiest girls.” -Audrey Hepburn

Unlike many modern Hollywood starlets, I find Audrey Hepburn to be a fine role model for my daughters: A fiercely talented triple threat (she was a ballerina first), timeless embodiment of grace & poise, a smarty who spoke several languages, WWII refugee, devoted humanitarian & philanthropist, doting mother, and all-around class act.

Naturally, Audrey’s a favorite in our home and this was not Firstborn’s first time dressing the part…

throwback c. 2012

With our family temporarily camped out in an urban apartment an hour north of friends & family, finding a suitable party venue was tricky.  Instead of despairing we got creative, embraced our limitations, and opted instead to take her party on the road… Lack of space couldn’t keep us from celebrating our precious baby girl’s twelve-year-old’s birthday in style.

customizable invites from Inviting Hue’s Etsy shop (click pic for link)

We collected Firstborn’s chums around town, transportation the main attraction.

Guests were asked to don an LBD[Little Black Dress] (we thrifted ours, obvi, black can prove hard to find in girls’ sizes) and were gifted black evening gloves, pearls, & sunnies in faux Tiffany boxes, ala Holly Golightly, as favors.

thrifted these PERFECT tiffany blue heels (and promptly gave them several lysol baths)

gloves & boxes via amazon, pearls & sunnies via oriental trading

Mid-joyride we popped into my much older sister’s home for breakfast and cake– I suppose it should instead be called a “Breakfast at Auntie’s” party? Shout out to Handsome Husband & Uncle Cam who threw down as chefs, and Much Older Sister for realizing Firstborn’s dream of a Tiffany box cake (baking is not in my skill-set).

Happy twelfth birthday to our precious Firstborn, we are so grateful to be your family. 

PS- Stop growing.

Marilyns Treats
Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth
Weekly Wrap-Up
Being A Wordsmith
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Homeschool Coffee Break


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