Category: Adoption

  • Anne of Green Gables, My Daughter, and Me {book review}

    Anne of Green Gables, My Daughter, and Me {book review}

    Gather round, all Kindred Spirits and Bosom Friends, I have something more scrumptious than raspberry cordial to share with you today… Did you grow up on all things Green Gables? My grandmother fell in love, was married, and gave birth to my own mother on Prince Edward Island. Decades later, she would travel back from the…

  • Re-Adoption


    On Monday we re-adopted Little Man. It’s not what you think… November being National Adoption Awareness month, a local adoption/foster-care/orphan-prevention non-profit organized a re-adoption ceremony and celebration before a judge who is a local champion of both international and domestic adoption (and whose joy in presiding over the hearing was evident, pun intended). An attorney– fellow adoptive mom who…

  • Mommy Musings

    Mommy Musings

    Firstborn was the unlucky recipient of a nasty curling iron burn, yesterday– her first. It was sad, but as a child of the 80’s/90’s I also recognize it as sort of a rite of passage for my sweet daughter… We chuckled as I retold of branding my own forehead numerous times in my prepubescent quest for The Perfect Bangs. As a…

  • Sisterhood of the Traveling Ergo

    Sisterhood of the Traveling Ergo

    I’ve reluctantly come to terms with the fact that little man is now too big [long] for the Ergo backpack. His feet dangle nearly to the floor and seem to drag across the ground as I carry him, these days. #hobbitproblems It’s bittersweet, because it quietly marks the end of his baby-hood, and because that Ergo was…

  • Little Man, Lately

    Little Man, Lately

    This post is all about our incredibly bright Little Man, Smarty-Pants McGee. You’ve been warned. Because biologically I had zero to do with it, I feel I can boast unabashed…   He’s rocking his weekly speech therapy appointments, astounding the pathologist at each visit. This week she decided to see if he recognized any letters of the…

  • A Case for Giftless Birthday Parties

    A Case for Giftless Birthday Parties

    Little Man turned three this weekend. yay! sob. hooray! weep. Last year I shared why his birthday will likely always be a bit of a bittersweet anniversary, but this year those sentiments were compounded further by the sobering realization that: 3 = no longer a baby. We hosted a simple backyard celebration with our dear neighbors (old and new), a dash…

  • Fourteen


    Today marks the fourteenth year that I’ve had the privilege of being Mrs. to Handsome Husband. He’s my favorite human. “The woman was made of a rib out of the side of man; not made out of his head to rule over him, not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but…

  • Houseguests


    We have a steady stream of visitors heading eastward from Oregon, again, this summer. *Be our guest, be our guest, put our service to the test…* With Quality Time as my primary Love Language, I feel especially blessed when loved-ones are willing to travel- and use up vacation time– to hang with us. Bestie Courtney & Busy-Bee…

  • Making a Home

    Making a Home

    I’m a homemaker. Making and keeping and running our home is a job I actually take pride in. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to share how we strive to maintain an organized, efficient home with a bunch of local high-school Home-Ec students, earlier this week. They returned to tour our house as a field-trip, yesterday afternoon. My friend (the…