Lest you believe our home-life to be a constant stream of rainbows and lollipops, I thought I would clear some things up today…
Mother’s day had me up before 6am cleaning human waste off of our floors while the offender in question simultaneously vomited on my head.
Just another day in paradise.
I have personally been rocking an infected tear duct for just shy of a week now. I have named her Jezebel. She’s adorable. Google tells me common causes are stress and sleep deprivation.
I’m a mom. I home-school. I cloth diaper.

We are so tired. Some things that are challenging, of late: Car rides. Now that Little Man has had a taste of freedom from hours within the confines of metal crib bars, any apparatus that restrains him (e.g. a carseat) is received less than favorably. Our family’s favorite pastime: Car rides. Fun times. We are once again considering in earnest the merits of sound-proof glass much like the variety that taxi-cabs employ. I kid.
Mostly, things look like this:

Being a mom is not always a picnic, but it is still just THE BEST. I can’t explain it. My daily “desperation” keeps my ego in check and my reliance on God. If I am to be a Desperate Housewife, may it be one who is desperate for His continual, sovereign grace.
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