For the Love of Manatees

As my Firstborn baby’s 11th birthday is this week, it seems only fitting that the content of this blog be devoted to her/her passions. In tribute, consider linking arms with her in her latest endeavor, thereby granting her birthday wish…

Firstborn is a full-fledged, borderline obsessed manatee fanatic. She comes by it naturally. Manatees clearly her spirit animal, she aspires to work in the rescue/rehabilitation of these gentle giants when she is grown.

on manatee appreciation day a few weeks ago

She’s such an enthusiast that last year we planned our family vacation around taking her to see them in the wild.

In May she’s participating in the Save the Manatee Virtual 5k, collecting donations for the Save the Manatee Club in Florida (of which she is a member). They are raising funds for manatee conservation and advocacy for the threatened species.

When her race packet arrived it listed how participants might run, bike, scooter, jump-rope, or kayak the event– she decided to incorporate each of those into her race. We mapped a 3.1 mile course encircling our neighborhood, and she has started training. #homeschoolPE

Firstborn has set a goal of raising $100 to send to the Club, those interested in sponsoring her efforts can comment here and I will email instructions for donating. 🙂

Thanks in advance!


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