Vacation hangovers, gotta love ’em… said no mom, ever.
Seriously, the battle (“WHAT?! We have to do MATH today? Ughhhhh…”) to resume our regularly scheduled programming is the primary reason I elect to homeschool year round.
I tried to covertly sneak in school whilst vacationing, in hopes it would lessen the strife upon returning home…
Alternating Disney DVDs with chapters read aloud from our latest family book*. Encouraging independent reading, aided significantly by the enormous collection of Babysitter’s Club books my parents returned to me after twenty-five years tucked away in a box. Recording adventures in gratitude journals, and penning thank-you notes on the journey back home from our Oregon adventure.
Our kids’ current fascinations remain squarely centered on marine biology/oceanography, so a visit to the Oregon coast with Husband’s baby sister and her husband logically included a trip to the aquarium. There I sufficiently mortified our offspring by enthusiastically pointing out the echinoderms, pinnipeds, cnidarians, cephalopods, cetaceans, marine reptiles, bivalves and gastropods.
The sea, once it casts it’s spell, holds one in it’s net of wonders forever. — Jacques Yves Cousteau
This is why I strive to build a flexible, interest-led curriculum– an unapologetic effort to keep fickle pupils engaged and eager to learn…
Another current obsession in our homeschool is Ancient Greek History and Mythology. These days my kidlets are all about Medusa, Hermes, Percy Jackson*, and minotaurs.
FYI: The Clash/Wrath of the Titans films (both old and new) are quite fun and surprisingly kid-appropriate.
So… we are back to the grindstone. Back in the saddle. Back to work. Back in bidness.
Back at home, and back to school.
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