Homeschool Manifesto

In this house we… make believe, dress up, seek adventure, make music, shake our groove thangs, read aloud, love Jesus by loving others, mark the days, celebrate & savor, tinker & create, build forts, stop to smell the roses, dig in the dirt, explore nature, climb trees, play games, and keep it simple.

Still, the following is also often true of our household:

A smattering of recentlies, in photographs:

administered vision tests after studying the human eye in anatomy. consensus: I’m an old lady
chewing bubble gum whilst working, in the spirit of Lemony Snicket’s Lucky Smells Lumbermill
speech therapy
a friend taking swabs from our kitties for her science fair project
center sister’s still retaining the French she taught herself
my life.
case in point: i now need a ferret. (and a mini donkey, and a goat, and more chickens, and another duck, and a micro pig…)

satellite campus

tween playdate: “join us for target & starbucks?”
sir Elton

skipbo on repeat with this smarty

And a throwback of my sweet Saint of a Great Grandma, whom I mentioned in our recent Valentine post:

when there was only firstborn <3

This post is featured on: What to Read WednesdayWeekly Wrap-Up, Awesome Life FridayArt of Homemaking Mondays, Homeschool Blog & Tell, and Homeschool Coffee Break… do yourself a favor and be sure to check additional fun posts via the links above!


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