Once again, I’m homeschooling the kidlets straight through summer— including a special unit study on US history & geography. Incidentally, as the first states joined the union seeking freedom from the English monarchy, Marie Antoinette was still on the throne in France. Which brings me to Center Sister’s latest obsession…

Center Sister’s middle name is Marie, so her newfound fascination with namesake Marie Antoinette, and the iconic feminine opulence she still embodies, somehow seems befitting. Her ninth birthday tea-party had a happier epilogue than it’s ill-fated muse– we celebrated with joyous revelry, sans guillotine finale.

She invited a few fancy pals over for an afternoon tea and traditional 18th century games in the garden… It’s not Versailles, but it was still fit for a queen.

Traditional 18th century garden games, badminton and croquet.
Though it might seem the contrary, it was really quite simple a party. We pulled furniture onto the lawn, shopped the house for décor, prepped the semi-homemade faire together over the weekend, welcomed guests and then just turned the kids loose. They had a lovely time.

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