A group of kangaroos is a mob, a group of primates is a troop, a group of otters is a romp, and a group of penguins is a waddle. (see also: colony or rookery) This week’s WTRW is all about penguins:
Penguins have long been one of my favorite animals; in fact, I’ve many times supposed it might be my patronus. Social, silly, clumsy on their feet but at home in the water, devoted to their young & mate for life– it’s a bit like looking in the mirror. I’d love to see them in the wild one day– ever since reading Where’d You Go, Bernadette Antarctica has been near the top of my travel bucket list.
Just last week we spent time with a gregarious waddle at the zoo, a field trip on MLK day to flesh out our Zoology studies. Still, the only penguin book in our home library is Mr. Popper’s Penguins.
It’s just a classic, and it doesn’t hurt that it was made into an endearing Jim Carey movie. We bought the book and then the film our first year of homeschooling. (Incentivizing reading with a corresponding movie night is one of my favorite bookworm tricks!)
Additional book recommends this week are the two I just finished, plus the devotional I’m still daily enjoying…
I thoroughly enjoyed Murder on the Orient, and can’t wait to finally see the new film– if it’s true to the text it should be clean enough for the kids. I loved Braving– the title itself an acronym for trust: Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Nonjudgement, Generosity. I’m on the launch team for the Durenda Wilson’s new devotional, Unhurried Grace– and whose previous homeschooling book I’ve also reviewed. Once again I appreciate her trademark grace-and-wisdom-filled, relaxed approach to motherhood, homeschool, and life in general– it’s like a breath of fresh air, this time in small daily snippets.
And now for the link up!
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