This week’s What to Read Wednesday is woefully tardy… ironically because I’m presently swept up in a book series. #BookwormProbs
My advice for boredom busting road-trip lit is to grab any old book you want– no matter how embarrassing or silly. Often in our house lately it’s the likes of Dork Diaries and other such fluff… Not exactly award-winning classics, but they have their place and can really sink their talons into a gluttonous binge-reader.
With that caveat, I’m compelled to confess what I’m currently in the grips of Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games. I know, I know, what is this 2008? Last one to the proverbial party, as always! It’s like Downton Abbey all over again. I stubbornly refused to get swept up her Young Adult dystopian novels when they first came out, hesitant to have a repeat of the shameful Twilight debacle– wherein scores of my mommy friends and I swooned over under-aged vampire romances, attending midnight showings of the films alongside scores of local teens. Yet now that Firstborn’s reading the series I thought it prudent to read with her, as any mom ought to do with potentially sensitive material to navigate. What I didn’t expect was to enjoy the series so much myself, yet alas– here I am: Neglecting housework, ignoring the blog, sneaking Firstborn’s copy and staying up ’til the wee hours every night. Fortunately for my family, I’m still in queue for the local library’s copy of the final installment.
Got any embarrassing book confessions? Surely I’m not the only one! For additional boredom busting, road-trip books check out my pals online with the linky party, below…
My favorite post from last week’s linkup is:
And now for the link up!
Our hosts will still share a themed selection of our favorite books each week.
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This list has our book themes, but you don’t have to stick to that to link up–any family-friendly posts are welcome. So, come on! Join in the fun!
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