This week’s What to Read Wednesday theme is supposed to be all about gorillas. Though Husband and I just watched the latest Planet of the Apes film, and though we were just recently on safari with the kidlets, AND though I once had a touching moment with a sweet mama gorilla through the glass at the San Diego Zoo when she spied infant Firstborn strapped to my chest… we frankly don’t have much gorilla-themed literature on the shelves of our home library. (Is there a book version of Planet of the Apes?) I decided instead to share some non-gorilla-themed titles that I have been reading…
Aloud with the girls:
The Giver and Son by Lois Lowry – Though we’ve yet to finish the four books of this set, we have thoroughly enjoyed the bookends (pun intended!) of the dystopian series. Lowry’s contemplative story-telling has prompted good discussion and some creative writing for our homeschool. (Writing prompt: What if you could not see color?) We’ve already checked out three copies of Gathering Blue from our local library to dive into next.
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton – We’re in the thick of this one presently, and it is SO good! I’ve of course seen the classic film, but had not previously read the far more detailed written tale. We’re finding countless tie-in’s with the girls’ current zoology studies for science, as well as last year’s anatomy & physiology lessons, and take frequent detours to investigate tangents that the novel prompts. I expect we’ll devour this book before the week is out. (pun intended again, SNORT!)
Just for me:
The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls – Everyone’s talking about this honest memoir as the film adaptation just recently made it to theaters. I found the author’s candid retelling to be soberingly painful and traumatic, albeit skillfully recorded. The film which glossed over and even romanticized a lot of the abhorrent neglect she suffered, so (as always) I recommend reading before watching.
Homesick in Paradise: A Ponape Story by Jean Braden – My great aunt wrote this book, her second, and I enjoyed it tremendously. Recounting the time she spent living overseas in the sixties with her young family had me pining to follow suit. Like Jean, I’d sell all my earthly possessions to take up residence on a remote tropical island and immerse myself in another culture. Her photographic memory serves her well as she paints vivid imagery for this wanderlusting homeschool mama– I highly recommend this easy read if you similarly long for adventure. Bonus: Jean includes a heart-thumping run-in with a primate! Kind of checks the box for the gorilla theme in a roundabout way, no?
Check out the linkup below for book suggestions on gorillas, since my own card catalogue fell short on the topic…
And now for the link up!
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