This week’s official WTRW theme is all about owls, but seeing as how Christmas is right around the corner I decided to be a maverick and go rouge on that topic, instead…
… ’cause I just can’t contain the merriment, y’all!
Putting a scholastic spin on our festivities, we followed the Swedish custom of honoring Saint Lucia with wreath & candle crowns plus hot buns the morning of December 13th.
And Little Man shared about Christmas (or the lack thereof) in China for his kindergarten’s Holidays Around the World geography unit.
With the aim of being neighborly, the kids baked & delivered gluten-free treats round the ‘hood…
… though we store-bought for Little Man’s teachers.

The girls had a carol-filled, Christmassy piano recital at their teacher’s house.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmasssss…
Our family’s fave Christmas books:
And of course our fave Saint Nicholas books, listed here.
And now for the link up!
The most popular post from last week was my own feature on the timeless Queen Bee of France, Marie Antoinette:
Our hosts will still share a themed selection of our favorite books each week.
By linking up you agree that if your blog post is selected to be featured on any of our hosts’ blogs that we can use an image from your post with a link back to your post.
This list has our book themes, but you don’t have to stick to that to link up–any family-friendly posts are welcome. So, come on! Join in the fun!
If you’d like to join us as a co-host for What to Read Wednesday, please contact Anne.
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