Today, for this post-Christmas What To Read Wednesday, I’m sharing a small sampling of titles that my family exchanged as Christmas gifts.
Perhaps we are Icelandic at heart?
In preparation for the upcoming film, we’re reading aloud A Wrinkle in Time, with it’s legendary opening line: It was a dark and stormy night… Husband found this additional graphic novel* for the kids to enjoy on their own.
A forever fan, Firstborn received another fun kids’ book about timeless icon Audrey Hepburn.
Center Sister was thrilled to receive another Mermaid-centric title.
Little Man added Nevada to his ever-growing collection of Good Night books (Husband recently traveled to Las Vegas for work.).
Husband received The Martian author Andy Weir’s new book, Artemis.
And my hold finally came in at the library for Tom Hanks’ new collection of short stories.
*Graphic novels are a terrific addition to any home library– wooing reluctant readers with the unique, unintimidating format and engaging illustrations. Our kids re-read them continuously. Husband found a whole stack of new titles to add to their collection this Christmas.
And now for the link up!
The most popular post from last week was my own Yuletide installment of WTRW:
Our hosts will still share a themed selection of our favorite books each week.
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