Yule-school vol. 2: Wrap-Ups & Throwbacks

The girls hosted their 9th annual Gingerbread House Decorating Party this week. Actually, we melded two separate events together, combining this fun tradition with their 4-H Christmas Party– to the delight of Handsome Husband and for the sake of our collective sanity in the midst of an exceptionally stressful week.

The naked gingerbread (graham cracker) houses always remind me of a wee communist village. Nine years of hosting this gathering we’ve learned a trick or two, like assembling all the houses ahead of time so the kids can focus on the fun part: Candy Decorating! The secret to our engineering success? Melted granulated sugar in a frying pan acts as fast and hard drying “glue”– just beware of burns!

And just remember…

ha! spotted on the internet this week.
gingy throwback, from their 3rd annual party circa 2010
madam treasurer giving her monthly report alongside her photobombing sister

The girls also learned about and celebrated Saint Lucia for the first time– how fascinating to study this remarkable Christian martyr!

wasn’t keen to put open flames on the girls’ heads, so we opted instead for battery operated candles
hail st. lucy!

Jack and Flopsy, homeschool class pets, enjoyed their daily hop in the snow. I captured some of their snow-bunny silliness on video.

We enjoyed another Awana dress-up opportunity, Bible Character Night!

cutting out a swarm of locusts
did you correctly guess the bible character that this white body paint was for?

Simon Peter (a fisherman), a plague of locusts, and Lot’s wife (a pillar of salt).

Oh!! Did you catch the 3 ingredient recipe I shared for the easiest peanut butter cookies ever (gluten-free!)? I’m pretty sure they’ll be our official cookie of Christmas 2016. How about my holiday Gift Guide for Schmucks?

Our Christmas cards arrived, courtesy of Minted, and I made the girls address them all.

hashbrown, homeschool. hashbrown, momwin. hashbrown, yuleschool
there’s something behind me, isn’t there? sneaky garfield!

So that’s our week, in a nutshell; be sure to check out Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers for additional home-educating ideas, inspiration, and encouragement!

Weekly Wrap-Up
Still time to order Christmas cards (and send me one!) from Minted!
minted holiday card offer


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