Category: Adventure

  • Awakening East – a book review

    Awakening East – a book review

    I’ve just completed the most incredible book that’s left me yearning to pack up my family and move overseas… The premise is this: Along with her husband, the author adopts her children from China. Years later, they return as a family on a radical pilgrimage of sorts, with the aim of immersing the children in their birth…

  • A Frequent Picnicker’s Guide to Jellystone

    A Frequent Picnicker’s Guide to Jellystone

    America’s first (and arguably most famous) national park is basically in my backyard: An hour drive, or twenty minutes as a crow flies. Each summer, visitors descend from every corner of the globe to behold it’s splendor. You don’t have to be a geology geek to appreciate it’s raw beauty. Since moving to Montana we’ve become frequent flyers… as locals,…

  • California Dreamin’

    California Dreamin’

    Never thought I’d say this, but I want to move to California. Property taxes, real-estate premiums, traffic, crowds, and materialism aside… I’m smitten. And I miss it. We were hosted by remarkably hospitable friends who built their beautiful home on a lemon orchard. Squeee! Taking care to situate their house around the trees versus mow them down to build, most are now…

  • LA Confidential

    LA Confidential

    Continued from the post about our visit to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, I’m sharing vacation pics from arguably the nerdiest Los Angeles trip in modern history: We patroned the original Renaissance Faire where our new friend braids hair for all the lovely maidens in attendance. Fun was had, colossal roasted turkey legs consumed, and Ye Olde English…

  • Wizards for a Day

    Wizards for a Day

    We’ve just returned home from a glorious week in sunny Los Angeles, our primary aim to visit the brand-new Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood. #nerdalert I’m the only one in the fam who’d previously been to Universal, but that was way back in ’91 when I was Firstborn’s age and Harry Potter was still…

  • Save the Manatee Run

    Save the Manatee Run

    Firstborn triumphantly completed the Save the Manatee Virtual 5K in a passionate effort to raise awareness and funding for the gentle giants she adores. #proudmama As hinted at previously, she did more than just run: Her event included rollerblading, scootering, skate-boarding, biking, kayaking and running. Now she’s saying she wants to do an Ironman. Please enjoy her race video (36…

  • Life & Death

    Life & Death

    I’ve just returned home from an impromptu Oregon road-trip, to attend the funeral of my late great-aunt whose children did a terrific job honoring her life. Direct flights a rarity, it takes about the same time to fly as it does to drive, so we saddled up the sexy minivan and the kids hitched a ride in order to yuck it up with their cousins.…

  • For the Love of Manatees

    For the Love of Manatees

    As my Firstborn baby’s 11th birthday is this week, it seems only fitting that the content of this blog be devoted to her/her passions. In tribute, consider linking arms with her in her latest endeavor, thereby granting her birthday wish… Firstborn is a full-fledged, borderline obsessed manatee fanatic. She comes by it naturally. Manatees clearly her spirit animal, she aspires to work…

  • Potterheaded Muggles

    Potterheaded Muggles

    Thanks to a certain literary box-set gifted to the kidlets this past Christmas, discussions around our dinner table of late have been as follows: “Do you think I might receive a Hogwarts letter on my 11th birthday, this month?” “Which Hogwarts house would the sorting hat place me in?” (Husband & Little Man: Ravenclaw, Firstborn: Slytherin,…