All the world’s a stage, and all the men & women merely players… Perhaps it comes as no surprise that my offspring tends to have an innate flair for drama? Our girls spent the last two weeks at a local theater camp, hosted by Husband’s alma mater. I think it’s safe to say that between their spring performance in The Wizard of Oz back in Montana, and the end-of-camp performances over the weekend, that they’ve officially caught the acting bug. They’ve gone from aimless Drama Queens to legit Theater Geeks– thespians channeling their inherent gifting for good.

The peanut gallery of the adoring audience. So grateful to live near supportive family again.
As homeschoolers, we obviously love the social comradery that a vivacious theatre troupe fosters; but as a mom I also love how hard my kids have to work to memorize lines, overcome nerves, and introspectively consider their stage presence. Both my girls have grown in confidence by courageously putting themselves on display, and I couldn’t be prouder. We’ll definitely be making performing arts a more permanent fixture in their homeschool curriculum this year. Save your drama for your mama!
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