Center Sister turned TWELVE today and I can’t get over how she’s growing before my eyes.
On her first birthday she perched atop my hip delighting in the live baby lambs that frolicked in our backyard during her barnyard bash.
This past year she surpassed me in height and all she wanted to do to celebrate her special day was shop with her friends. That’s tween life, I suppose.
So Husband was the ATM and I was the uber-driver. Each shopping buddy was allotted some spending cash, a reusable shopping tote, dollar store sunnies, and bubble gum, and I tailed them as they shopped ’til they (I) dropped at our local mall. It actually might have been the easiest birthday “party” ever.

We also had a simple ice cream social with extended family (birthday girl didn’t want cake) and a sleepover with two of her pals. I’m grateful for her loving circle of supportive friends and family.
Sidenote: I have to share the most hilarious gift. It’s a cat backpack, plus a cute little pillow bearing her cat’s likeness. Later, Garfield was happy to oblige with a trial run.

Happy birthday to our precious Center Sister and may God bless your twelfth year.
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