• Daytime Dating

    Daytime Dating

    Who’s got two thumbs and loves going on dates with her husband? This girl. As a homeschooling mama, I spend nearly every waking moment with my darling children; therefore, I feel no guilt at all in occasionally leaving them with a sitter (whom they adore) so Handsome Husband and I can have some PEACE and QUIET. I…

  • The Hard Stuff

    The Hard Stuff

    Most often, being Mommy is incredibly fun… The most fun ever. Watching your kids master a skill like tying their shoes, learning to read, blow a bubble with gum, or ride a bike; throwing them a super fun birthday party, saying yes to popsicles for breakfast, surprising them with a trip to Disney… these moments are the best moments, the mountaintop moments. The highlight…

  • In Memoriam

    In Memoriam



    Rest in Peace, Peppermint Patti. Marci and the rest of us will miss you terribly, and remember you fondly.

  • Fourteen


    Today marks the fourteenth year that I’ve had the privilege of being Mrs. to Handsome Husband. He’s my favorite human. “The woman was made of a rib out of the side of man; not made out of his head to rule over him, not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but…

  • Birthday Bike-a-Palooza

    Birthday Bike-a-Palooza

    Center Sister turned 8 years old this weekend. Tempus fugit. Seems like just yesterday she was the giggly, silly infant we nicknamed Goose. With an unfinished mud-pit for a yard, and a house full of extended family in from out of state, a party at home just wasn’t a reasonable option. We were committed to keeping…

  • Cousin Camp

    Cousin Camp

    This week my mom, sister, and three nieces drove out from Oregon for some extended family togetheness. We fondly referred to our time together as Cousin Camp, as it was jam-packed with adventure, bonding, and general kumbaya… We had a blast showing them around our region, enjoying much of Big Sky Country’s great outdoors. Our guests enjoyed their first trip…

  • The Countryside

    The Countryside


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    The onset of summer in the countryside has caused us to slow our daily pace a bit. Not idle, but not rushing… Taking time to smell the roses. Deliberately – eagerly – getting stuck behind a train. Blowing past bedtimes more often than not. Working hard in the yard and then nursing our sun-fatigue, observing God’s creation in nature and the company of our visitors. Simple…

  • Randomization



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    Here’s the latest from our neck of the woods: We wrapped up all the fun memory-making with our most recent houseguests. We got stuck in a massive traffic jam on a rural Montana highway. Our “ato” garden is coming along nicely. Speaking of our mud-pit of a yard, we finally got our sprinklers in! Next up: Sod…

  • Memory Making

    Memory Making



    There are some great perks to having kids young, not the least of which is fostering close relationships with older generations in a family. This week’s houseguests traveled 1000 miles to spend time with our kiddos. It warms my heart to realize that these times together will surely become cherished, life-long memories. We’ve been having so much fun…