Category: Homeschool

  • Feasting, Hall-Decking, & Hustlin’

    Feasting, Hall-Decking, & Hustlin’

    For the first time in nearly a decade, we ventured over the mountains to feast with Husband’s folks for Thanksgiving. Once home, we availed ourselves of a stately conifer and set to decking the halls for Christmas.   Besides merry-making, hall-decking, and shuttling offspring hither and yon to activities, I’ve been reading even more than usual…

  • The Misadventures of Home-Education

    The Misadventures of Home-Education

    Sometimes homeschool isn’t all lollipops and roses, read-alouds and kumbaya… … Sometimes a routine car-ride requires extra division in the back seat. … Sometimes compliant completion of copy work requires extra coercion. … Sometimes it takes three tries to find a suitable film adaptation of Shakespeare’s MacBeth, as the 1970’s rendition turns out to be a…

  • Battle of the Bands Halloween

    Battle of the Bands Halloween

    For me, Halloween is alllllll about the costumes. I confess I had the girl’s costumes planned and purchased by February. From there we added the others, and though unintentional, a theme emerged– this year’s costuming became a bit of a battle of the bands. Growing up my bedroom walls were PLASTERED with Spice Girls posters– but only…

  • Fall Y’all

    Fall Y’all

    We’re having an unseasonably warm and wonderous fall. A born and bred Oregonian, I actually adore romantic, gloomy gray days sprinkled with intermittent rain-showers, but even the most passionate pluviophile can appreciate temperate blue skies and organic vitamin D pro bono. We recently gathered chestnuts from a local park, one of our fave fall pastimes.…

  • Homeschool, Inc.

    Homeschool, Inc.

    We’re in the midst of another busy week of homeschool, pinballing around our city betwixt activities– curricular and extra. Often we tote our studies along, ala carte, including our latest read-aloud: the third enchanting book of the Penderwick series: The kids’ most recent pet-sitting charges include two fiesty flocks of chickens and a blind 17 year old Siamese…

  • Interest-led Learnin’ & Library Love

    Interest-led Learnin’ & Library Love

    This week’s What to Read Wednesday list is late, yet again, though I’m relieved to report we triumphed over the stomach flu. We’ve simply had a full schedule of activities– these days I feel more like an Uber driver than a teacher. We’ve had the regular lineup of choir, theatre, co-op, speech, field trips, & social events,…

  • What to Read in the Car While Waiting for Kids

    What to Read in the Car While Waiting for Kids

    This week’s What to Read Wednesday recommends are comin’ atcha on a Friday since this week our household was verily bowled over by an early stomach flu. Ugh, and just as we were gaining momentum on our back-to-school schedule! Still, we managed to squeeze in plenty of reading between body aches, hot baths, and laundering of sheets. On…

  • No Hands but Ours: Attachment Through the Years

    No Hands but Ours: Attachment Through the Years

    Recently, online champions of adoption No Hands But Ours featured our story as it pertains to: Attachment Through the Years. Check it out here, alongside similar stories, or read on… It’s been four and a half years since we first met our son in China. Sometimes that feels like a split-second ago… I freshly recall the nervous,…

  • Back-to-School Vibes

    Back-to-School Vibes

    It’s that time of year again: Return to the cadence of rhythm and routine, of cool morning fog, rain showers, sun-breaks, and shadowy evenings; of boots and sweaters and football and hearty stews, of apples and pumpkin spice and… school.  This year I’m teaching an eighth grader, a sixth grader, and a first grader– heaven help…