I’ve been waiting all year for this installment of WTRW… We’re a bi-racial, adoptive, globally-minded family aiming to instill pride in our varied heritage. We incorporate traditions, customs, and celebrations from all corners of the earth into our family framework — Chinese culture certainly not the least of them. As proud mom to a handsome Chinese son, obviously in our home all things China are sacred, special, and set apart.

A good portion of our globe-trotting happens by way of books, as our budget and schedule don’t always permit the in-person, foot-on-the-ground adventuring we crave. (See my posts about France, Africa, Japan, Italy, Ireland, & Mexico.) Our home library is laden with China-themed lit, for the sake of both my Chinese-born son and my US-born daughters.
Book links: Mei-Mei’s Lucky Birthday Noodles / Who Was Bruce Lee? / D is for Dancing Dragon / Happy Chinese New Year, Kai-Lan / China / Sweet Moon Baby / Ancient China / Mei-Ling in China City / Round is a Mooncake / Thanking the Moon / Kai-Lan’s Great Trip to China
Read about our adoption trip to China in 2014, beginning here.
Related posts: Culture Club, Mock United Nations, Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, Chinese New Year, Our Chinese Son, Turning Chinese, Ringing in the Year of the Horse
And now for the link up!
Our hosts will still share a themed selection of our favorite books each week.
By linking up you agree that if your blog post is selected to be featured on any of our hosts’ blogs that we can use an image from your post with a link back to your post.
This list has our book themes, but you don’t have to stick to that to link up–any family-friendly posts are welcome. So, come on! Join in the fun!
If you’d like to join us as a co-host for What to Read Wednesday, please contact Anne.
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