Forgive me for being tardy with this week’s WTRW edition, but my current read (a gripping new science-fiction stolen from Husband’s stack) has me in it’s grips and actively shirking all other responsibilities. Call me a nerd, but when I really think about it, the bulk of my favorite titles fall under the umbrella of Sci-Fi or Fantasy– which just so happens that this week’s What to Read Wednesday theme!
I married into geekdom, but Star Wars, Star Trek, Tolkien, Narnia and Dune lore are now community property. In the past year alone I’ve read (some aloud to the kiddos, some solo) The Martian, The Giver series, The Hunger Games series, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, the Divergent series, and Jurassic Park, with Ready Player One my current obsession and A Wrinkle in Time next on the docket (in time for the spring release of the film!).
Addt’l nerdtastic posts: Wizards for a Day; Enchanted Forest; WTRW: Tolkien Edition; Potterheaded Muggles; WTRW: Sneaky Math Edition; Geeking Out with my Better-Half; A Celestial Celebration
Our hosts will still share a themed selection of our favorite books each week.
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This list has our book themes, but you don’t have to stick to that to link up–any family-friendly posts are welcome. So, come on! Join in the fun!
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